The Port in the Storm Tavern

We have a few player wittern stories on our facebook page ‘Port in the Storm Tavern’ we would love for you to read, happy reading

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Tales from Tehidith

Chaosgate does not exhist solely in the eyes of the players. Come, listen to a tale or two from beyond these woodlands.

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Facebook Updates

2 months ago

Woop Woop! See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

Important Update: Event CancellationHey everyone,It is with a heavy heart that I have to cancel tomorrow’s event. Unfortunately, the weather forecast is not in our favor, with heavy rain expected all afternoon. The morning looks slightly clearer, but I don’t think we’d be able to get through everything we planned before the downpour begins. Since we don’t have much cover, we’d likely end up cutting things short anyway.I’m truly gutted as we’ve put a lot of effort into this, including buying and creating new props. I know how much we were all looking forward to it.The plan now is to reschedule the adventure for early next year when the weather is more predictable. I sincerely apologize to anyone who took time off for this, and we will refund any paid tickets as soon as possible.Please help spread the word to anyone you know who was attending.We’ll be organizing another get-together soon. Once again, I’m really sorry for the inconvenience. Love you all!Rob See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

Reminder for all players!Our upcoming event is this Saturday, and we’ll be meeting at Tehidy South Entrance car park (near the Café and Duck Pond) at 12:30 PM. We’ll provide some snacks, but feel free to bring your own lunch, once we set off we do not plan to return to the carpark until the adventure finishes but it will be walking distance if anyone needs the loo. Once again please let us know if you intend to attend the event and if that will be as either player or crew.Also if you have any specific dietary requirements, please message the CG group page to let us know asap.Heads-up: the forecast currently shows heavy rain all day. We will reassess tomorrow, but be prepared in case we need to cancel. See MoreSee Less
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Group Activity

10 months ago

UPDATE!Hey everybody, Thank you for your patience in waiting for an update. I know a number of you are eager to know what is going to be happening moving forward and so we are happy to announce that we have now had time to assess the situation and make a plan.Firstly – The June and August events are still going ahead as planned and they will still be featuring some form of bar run by the Lions.Most likely we will convert the one remaining marquee into a temporary housing for the bar/kitchen area meaning we may have to sacrifice the marketplace for this event (for those of you that have requested we have written an explanation for this into this years plot) It does mean that we won’t be bringing all the tables and chairs and so you will be asked to bring some form of camping chair if you want to sit outside. Once we have had a chance to sort through what’s left of the Tavern we will decide whether or not we can salvage some kind of awning but most likely we will be utilising the firepit for the evenings shenanigans.Secondly – We are going to be running two more day adventures. One for the Adults and Initiates which will be held on the 4th of May and one for the Killers which will be held on the 5th of May.These events, whilst not incorporating the campsite will include some hot food and drinks at lunch time. More details including prices will be announced shortly in a separate post so please hold on to any questions you may have for now.Finally – We are currently in the process of setting up a GoFund me page to help replace the Marquee that we lost and raise some money for Ian and Suzie, our caterers who lost quite a substantial amount of their own equipment.Additionally some of our lovely creative players (including Yew Wots Staffs and Stuffs. . and @ have offered to lend their talents in order to help us raise some funds. More details on this to follow so stay tuned.Thank you again for all your lovely messages and offers of support. We are working hard to make sure that this minor setback doesn’t impact anymore of this year’s fun.Lots of love CG xxxHUZAAARGH! See MoreSee Less
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10 months ago

Do we need a competition to name the new tavern… (Fundraising opportunity) See MoreSee Less
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10 months ago

The Fall.Wind and rain pummelled the windows, rattled them in their frames. Inside, in the warmth and light, the last few rowdy patrons of Newgate’s Broken Claw Tavern shared a final round. Farmer G and Chef propped up the bar, swapping recipes for the ultimate turnip stew. Bo and the Monk compared dextrous stances between swigs of ale. The Sheriff and the Dude gripped hands across the table, knuckles white, in another round of high spirited camaraderie. Or arm wrestling to those who preferred simpler terms. Like Staci, who watched with rapt confusion as Wendron and his dedicated assistant Ariella pored over the day’s accounts, spreading their inky squiggles across parchment in ways that were only just starting to make sense to her. The sounds of a contented evening spent with friends almost drowned out the sounds of the growing storm outside. Almost. A vaguely perceptible thickening of the atmosphere preceded the first unnatural slash of lightning, a blazing crimson illuminating the sleeping town. From his rain sheltered tree branch on the outskirts, Oswald saw the strike come down. Chaotic magic. Ancient. Accessible only by a few of the most gifted. Or deranged. Instead of discharging it took root, thickened and spread. A column of crackling red that whipped out branching forks of destruction across the dark buildings of Newgate. Struck, the neatly thatched roof of Clan Pink’s cosy and colourful cottage burst in to flames, the fragrant herb garden and flower beds shrivelling in the heat. Dropping from his perch Oswald released four rats from his robes,“Find the source, stay out of sight.” Gathering his magic he turned to the cottage and began to smother the burning roof before it could spread.The crashing of the collapsing hospital roused Bog and Squirrel who rushed to aid the helpless inside. Smoke billowed from the broken windows as Bog’s heavy ladle made short work of the smouldering door. Between them they dragged and carried injured patients out to the relative safety of the woods where they refreshed old bandages and tended new wounds. Only when the last of them was seen to did Squirrel attend to her own nasty cut. Across Newgate homes and buildings fell to the inferno, crumbling to ashy wreckage under the onslaught. The Tavern though, covered with protective wards that prevented harm to its patrons, began to quake. Sigils filled with more destructive energy than they were ever designed to hold glowed white as they overloaded. Stone walls erupted outwards, the thunderous crack of its detonation heard throughout Tehiddith. When the echoes and radiance subsided all that remained of The Broken Claw Tavern was a void, gently smoking in the receding rain.On the Northern Cliffs, hidden in a tumble of rocks a tiny pair of rat eyes reflected the figure of a cloth man, his arms raised up to the rolling clouds above the town. His robes and eyes the same bloody crimson as the lightning storm. *Dedicated to all the helpers on the night of the storm. Massive love and thanks to you guys, without you we would likely have lost a lot more than we did. Absolute legends. To those who helped in the aftermath, your heroics will be recorded soon x See MoreSee Less
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10 months ago

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